High rates of student loan debt, increasing interest rates, and a still slow job market in most of America will send rental rates among Millennials sky high, resulting in 46.8 million American renters in 2015. That’s according to Real Property Management, who sent us this interesting infographic on the tastes and mindset of Millennial renters.
As the graphic points out, Dallas is bringing up the tail end of the top-5 rental markets in the U.S., with Texas cities carving out spots at No. 2 and No. 3 as well. Leading in proportions of renters is Las Vegas, with San Antonio trailing, then Austin, then Chicago, and finally Dallas.
“As more competition emerges in the rental market, it’s important as a property manager to keep properties as up-to-date and attractive to renters as possible to stay ahead and obtain competitive rental rates,” said Real Property Management’s Rachel Wachenstein.
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